I’m one of the defenders of his Star Trek Into Darkness, which has taken its share of heat over the years.
In fact, the critical and popular success of Knives Out felt a bit like cosmic justice for the hash Abrams made of Johnson’s vision by thoroughly retconning it with The Rise of Skywalker (“It’s such a complete rewrite of The Last Jedi, it actually feels vengeful,” wrote one critic). However, while award-giving is inherently subjective and doesn’t prove artistic superiority, it certainly bolstered the opinions of some that Johnson was the true auteur of the Star Wars sequel trilogy. If Johnson felt any special satisfaction earning an Oscar nomination for his Knives Out screenplay around the same time that critics were demolishing Abrams for Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker and pronouncing Star Wars dead, he was gracious enough not to crow about it publicly.
Surviving The Last Jedi’s ‘retcon’ Image used with permission by copyright holder